Sunday, July 19, 2015

LimeCrime - Post Controversy Review {Image Load}

Hello Moll!!

Today I am...ashamed? But also not. I'm going to admit an ultimate sin to you.

I bought more LimeCrime.

My card was one of the cards that was stolen from and yet I BOUGHT MORE LIMECRIME. (through Paypal this time though...)

I'm not going to be the blogger/youtuber that recommends LimeCrime. I will tell you, however, that IF you do decide to purchase from LimeCrime, take EXTREME caution! 

And, if you're interested in LimeCrime but don't want to take the chance, you can see my dupe list here. :)

So with all that, LET'S MOVE ON!

Lime Crime had a up to 60% off sale so I got some stuff!

Ordered On:
July 1st, 2015

Arrived On:
July  9th, 2015

The first thing I noticed is that my order was shipped in less than 12 hours. My first order wasn't sent out for like, two weeks.

So, the Fantasy Palettes were $10 (as opposed to the normal $34) so I got 3/4 of them.
The glitters were also on sale for $5 (normally $10) so I got 3 of those as well.

I'd just like to say, these eyeshadow palettes are SO MUCH BETTER than I could've ever imagined!!

From top to bottom, these are D'Antoinette, Aquatina, and Chinadoll. They were swatched over completely bare skin, no primer/foundation/concealer/etc.

China Doll's shades are all a matte finish except for Goldfish / the yellow shade.

All of Aquatina's shades are a super shimmery finish.

All of the D'Antoinette shades are a matte finish, except Mercurious, which is a shimmery silver.

I think of these three, China Doll is my favourite. I plan on making looks with these palettes soon, as I never actually stick to one palette when doing makeup. This should be interesting! lol

I'm not swatching the glitters here, but if you want me to swatch them let me know and I will!!

As for the glitters, they look gorgeous but I am SO HAPPY I didn't pay full price for these!! They're SO tiny!! There is a little "step" inside of the box but when you pull them out, they're only half the size of the box. 

This picture doesn't do justice to Cancer (the blue one) but the other two look fine. Maybe because I was holding it in the middle?? Who knows, haha.

Overall, I'd say that LimeCrime has certainly stepped up their game after the entire issue from earlier this year. Their shipping game is on point, I still can't believe it only took 8 days to get to me!

Overall, I love all of the LimeCrime products I have used so far, the only issue I've had with them is...ya know..that whole credit card theft thing? It's still completely uncertain on where to pin the blame for that though, security breeches happen to all kinds of companies. I'm not saying they're completely not at fault, but, ya know.

I will recommend them but at your own risk. My orders have been fine, my products have been fantastic for the most part (see: translucent eyeliners?)

I hope this helped and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings!

In the comments below let me know, Do you like LimeCrime? If you do, what's your favourite product? If you don't, what's your favourite dupe?

Thanks so much for reading!
And don't forget to stay Peculiar!!

All the products I reviewed today were bought with my own money! My review is 100% Honest and Authentic!! Thank you! <3


  1. The LIme Crime Eyeshadow palettes look so pretty and the packaging is so adorable!! The shades are bright but perfect for summer and with $10 a palette, that's a super deal :) xo

    1. Yea I know! I wish they were always $10, haha


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